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American Graffiti featured at Route 66 Drive In

It couldn't be a more perfect Friday evening kick-back for Fun Run® participants before the big show on Saturday

Directed by George Lucas, American Graffiti is a PG rated comedy that stars Hollywood legends Richard Dreyfuss, Ron Howard, Wolfman Jack, Harrison Ford, Paul Le Mat and Susan Summers. It’s a 1973 ‘coming of age’ film about teens cruising the strip in Modesto CA while the last summer night of 1962 closes in.

Arrive early and grab a bite at one of the restaurants in the plaza. The Drive-in opens at 7:30 and the movie begins at 8pm in the Staples Plaza at 3320 Stockton Hill Rd, on the north side of the I-40 & Stockton Hill Exit. Admission is $10 per vehicle, and includes everyone in the car. Cars will be directed to the east end of the parking lot to enter. Drive in, sit in or take a lawn chair and turn on your radio, movie audio will be a transmitted via FM signal.

The movie is 110 minutes, at the end of the showing, cars be directed to exit on the west end of the parking lot, nearest to Stockton Hill Road.

For more information, contact the Kingman Area Chamber of Commerce at 928-753-6253.

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