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Kingman Then & Now

Kingman has a rich history in America's move west from the railroad to Route 66. The Mohave Museum of History & Arts keeps that history alive and accessible. Over the past couple years, we collected some of these images and created a Geocaching project to highlight Kingman's history and bring people to the places of our past to see how that plays into Kingman today. The process lead to a collection of historic then-&-now images that are so fasinating to look at. Here is a sampling of this work. More images can be seen with information in the then & now section of the photo gallery.

Kingman Today & ca 1890

The cutout in the first image captures Kingman at about 10 years in existence. The prominent building is the original St John's Methodist Church. In 1917 the wooden structure was replaced with a Tufa stone sanctuary, which is where Clark Gable & Carol Lombard were married in 1939. The couple then honeymooned in Oatman.

This next image is Route 66 during a present day Route 66 Fun Run with a cutout of the 1910 4th of July Parade.

Route 66 in the 1950's and 60's was full of cafes, shops and hotels with neon lights. This third picture is a rare color historic photo that was snapped looking east on Route 66 in the early 1950's.

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