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English Afternoon Tea

Community & Family Interest Clubs of Mohave County, AZ CFIC is a non-profit organization that has been in existence for more than 50 years. CFIC currently consists of two clubs of about 100 members: The Morning Glories of Kingman and the Quail from Meadview. The focus of the clubs is to raise funds for scholarships given to deserving Mohave County high school seniors who are moving on to college. Each year, three to ten $1,000 scholarships are awarded to seniors to further their education. The number of awards depends on the amount of money our members can raise during the year. Because CFIC is a non-profit, all monies received are given each year in scholarships. Last year we were able to give out 12 $1000 scholarships; which felt wonderful to do The members of the Morning Glories also take interest in other areas of our community by donating to Blessing Bags for Homeless Veterans, the Kingman Food Bank, helping with food and bedding for Mutt Matchers or the Humane Society, and Box Top for Education for Cerbat Elementary School. Both clubs, Morning Glories and Quail, hold monthly meetings and ask community leaders to speak and tell us of new things happening in our community and of ways we can help. The Morning Glories hold their meetings on the 3rd Thursday of each month at St. John’s United Methodist Church located at 1730 Kino Avenue, Kingman, AZ. This year's fundraiser is a English Afternoon Tea. Morning Glories Fundraiser “English Afternoon Tea” At St Johns UM Church, 1730 Kino, Kingman Saturday, Sept 28, 4 – 6 pm. Suggested Donation $6.

Alana Smart
1730 Kino
Kingman, AZ 86409
928 565 0698
September 28, 2019 at 04:00 AM
September 28, 2019 at 06:00 PM

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