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Sounds of Kingman Presents: The Riptides

Known for their classic rock selections, The Riptides promise “fun dancing music” for our entertainment. Although the group members have among them many years of musical experience, they have only been playing together for under three years. They have a delightful stage presence and demonstrate an informal, relaxed interaction with the audience. Their sound is superb, too. They are having a good time up there, and it shows! The Riptides are: Tom Aamot, guitar, vocals, and harmonica; Dave Van Cleve, guitar and vocals; Steve Bentley, bass guitar and vocals; and Ramon Torres, drums and vocals. They have performed at the R-Bar, Hangar 24, and Office Lounge, as well as for private parties in Lake Havasu City. We know you will agree that The Riptides provide a fantastic entertainment opportunity in the shady park, so see you at Metcalfe Park on September 29th at 4pm!

Robin Gordon
September 29, 2019 at 04:00 PM
September 29, 2019 at 06:00 PM
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