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Sounds of Kingman Presents: Ghost Towns of the Second World War

In October, Sounds of Kingman is happy to be able to continue our focus on Arizona and local history by presenting an expert to discuss the history of WWII military installations such as our own airport! Join them at the Mohave Museum of History and Arts on Saturday, October 19th at 2:00pm. This presentation recounts Arizona's wartime role by focusing on the stories of those WWII sites in Arizona that still have significant remaining features from the war period. Many photos and first-hand accounts are included. Erik Berg, a road scholar, will be featured. Erik Berg is an award-winning historian and writer with a special interset in the early twentieth century southwest. Raised in Flagstaff, and a graduate of the University of Arizona, Berg has been exploring, hiking, and researching the southwest for over thirty years. He is a past-president of the Grand Canyon Hisotrical Society, currently residing in Phoenix. Sounds of Kingman is so happy to be hosting him! 

October 19, 2019 at 02:00 PM
October 19, 2019 at 04:00 PM
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