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Zero Waste Living Series

Guided by Kaylee Baker

Last Friday of the month for five months

Includes 5, 1-hour workshops ($20/class)
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

February 26th, March 26th, April 30th, May 28th, June 25th

All levels welcome!

*** Only 6 spots available ***

Zero-Waste living is a set of principles focused on waste prevention that encourages the redesign of resource life cycles so that all products are reused. The goal is for no trash to be sent to landfills, incinerators, or the ocean. Currently, only 9% of plastic is recycled. There are many benefits to incorporating zero-waste (sometimes referred to as low waste living) such as saving money, living a healthier lifestyle, strong community bonds, and an overall cleaner local environment.
• Class/ Month 1: Zero Waste 101 Tea & Chat (Interactive Class)
- Answering the question “What is zero-waste”, WHY it is important, and why recycling is NOT the answer. Zero-Waste Tea and a light snack will be provided as we have an interactive discussion on the basics of zero waste living and simple steps that EVERYONE can take to lessen their impact.

• Class/ Month 2: Basic Zero- Waste Products (DIY Workshop)
-We will be making our own all-purpose cleaner and deodorant and discussing low waste alternatives to common household items. Activity: DIY cleaner and deodorant

• Class/ Month 3: Greenwashing- what is it and how to avoid it (Interactive class)
-We will have an interactive discussion on what is greenwashing, examples of companies that do it, signs to look for, and how to avoid it.

• Class/ Month 4: Composting for Beginners (Workshop)
-We will be discussing the many benefits of having a compost bin, how you can compost anywhere (yes even in an apartment), different types of composting, and how to start. Activity: We will be building mini compost bins.

• Class/ Month 5: Clothing Swap (Workshop)
-Join us as we discuss the harmful effects of fast fashion and participate in a clothing swap. Clothing swaps are when we exchange once-loved clothing and accessories. Activity: Clothing swap




Kingman, AZ 86401
402 E. Beale St
$12/class or $60/series
March 26, 2021 at 06:30 PM
March 26, 2021 at 07:30 PM
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