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Best Christmas Pageant Ever: The Musical

The Beale Street Theatre presents “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever: The Musical” at Lee Williams High School with 3 performances, Friday, Saturday Matinee & Saturday Night.

The musical opens in a small quiet church in “Yourtown, USA” preparing for their annual Christmas Pageant. Circumstances quickly change this “quiet” process and through different events brings a family of six rather unruly siblings to take over the church audition for the pageant. This is a wonderful family production that will have your whole family singing the 60’s rock and roll themed songs. Be sure to plan on the entire family and neighborhood coming to this production. There are surprises for everyone as this production will definitely spread JOY over your holiday celebrations.

Written by Jahnna Beecham & Malcom Hillgartner and based on a book by Barbara Robinson.  Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. (

Funds earned from this production go to the Beale Street Theatre Project “It Takes a Community to Raise a Theatre”.

Happening at Lee Williams High School (400 Grandview Ave.) in Kingman.

Two performances beginning onFriday Night and again on Saturday Night.

Curtain goes up at 7:00pm.

Tickets are: Adults are $10 and Children 4-11 are $5.

For more information contact the Beale Street Theater at: 479-387-2615(Darla) or email her at: [email protected]

You can purchase tickets on-line at:

Darla Watson
Lee Williams High School
Kingman, AZ 86401
400 Grandview Ave.
385-319-5238 (Beale Street Theater)
479-387-2615 (Darla Watson)
December 16, 2017 at 02:00 PM

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