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Black Bridge Brewery/80’s Party

Time to take a chill pill and get ready for a tubular awesome time at Kingman’s Original Hometown Brewery for our 3rd annual 80’s Party! Strap on those oversized blazers, leg warmers, parachute pants, members only jackets or oversized tops. Let DJ Jeremiah Green scratch the wax back to a time of L.A Gear, T-shirt clips, Cabbage Patch Dolls, ALF, Jelly Shoes, Pogo Ball, Teddy Ruxpin, Pac-Man, Hair bands, Slouch Socks, Big Hair, Rubik’s Cubes, Lisa Frank everything and anything else that made the 80’s totally rad.

At Black Bridge Brewery (421 E. Beale St.) in Downtown Kingman.

From 8:00pm to Midnight!

For more info call Black Bridge Brewery at: 928-377-3618.

Black Bridge Brewery
Kingman, AZ 86401
421 E. Beale St.
928-692-2665 (Black Bridge Brewery)
April 28, 2018 at 08:00 PM

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