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Keepers of the Wild Valentine's Special

Welcome to Keepers of the Wild, an accredited, nonprofit wildlife sanctuary and nature park dedicated to the welfare and conservation of captive wildlife.

Keepers of the Wild is more than just a wildlife sanctuary—it's an immersion in the beauty and majesty of the Southwest.

With over 175 acres of natural landscape and a team of dedicated professionals, we provide high standards of care, rescue, and rehabilitation for exotic and indigenous wildlife in need. Our commitment is to educate and enlighten current and future generations on the importance of conservation and help put an end to the abuse and mistreatment of all animals.

We will be offering 20% off General Admission on Valentine's Day!

13441 E Hwy 66
Valentine, AZ 86437
February 14, 2024 at 09:00 AM
February 14, 2024 at 05:00 PM
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