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Rattler Mountain Bike Race

Come out for a fun local Mountain Bike Race For all Ages. This is a specially prepared technical 10-30 mile course for all levels of riders, from beginner to expert. There will also be local food vendors, DJ, raffle, prizes and more!

Awards ceremonies will commence shortly after all classes finish, with medals for the top 3 finishers in each class.

It will be at the Monolith Gardens/Coyote Pass Trailhead just off N. Hwy93 just out of Kingman.

Race times start at 9:00am. Race day registration from 7:30am until 8:30am.

For more information call Denise Barron at: 928-530-0868 or Barbara Tarin at: 928-681-6602.


John Meyers
Monolith Gardens
Kingman, AZ
Coyote Pass Trailhead
928-530-0868 (Denise Barron)
928-681-6602 (Barbara Tarin )
October 15, 2016 at 09:00 AM

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